Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Party Time!

We moved the chickens into their new digs late Friday. We have a lamp in the coop for warmth, as they are just a month old. The awning windows are closed but since the light is on we noticed a lot of movement going on inside through the spaces around the openings. I'm talking jitterbug, frantic motion until the wee hours. I've also wondered why they seem to be sleepy during the day, so curious, I snuck out Sunday morning with my camera to investigate. I spyed Rudy, the roo, checking out his girls as they...

Danced the night away. Shake your booty. Shake your fluffy booty.....

Then they fell into a line dance....
Okay, they are probably are chasing bugs attracted to the light, but I like the idea of an all night chicken party!

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