Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Chicken Tales

A few comments on our flock. Okay, the irony is not lost on me (as a few have pointed out) that I got chickens for eggs, but I'm actually buying more eggs now so I can give them their nightly hardboiled egg treat. Hopefully this will turn around in a few months when they start laying eggs of their own. My other reason for raising chickens was for the fertilizer and they are definitely holding up to expectations here. The thing is, they've become pets. Spending an hour watching them explore and interact with us and each other has become a great way to unwind after a day at work. Also, their comedic antics keep us cracking up. The picture above was taken just as they discovered the strawberries planted in the front of the house. After this they played chase the girl with the strawberry.

Also, I've not forgotten this is a garden blog, and will post some garden updates soon. It's just that chicken watching is so much more fasinating than, well....broccolli.

Rudy, giving me the stink eye.

Our young cockrel Rudy is trying to be a bad**s, but at times he's just a chickens**t. A neighbor was over the other evening to check out the coop. The chickens were already on the roost for the night, but became agitated and alarmed, presumably from hearing a strange voice. I opened up their awning window to sooth and reassure them, and caught Rudy trying to hide under the hens.

He's tried to bite me a few times, but this has stopped. Whenever he did the bite thing, I'd just pick him up and hold him while telling him who the alpha chick is.

I've also discovered why he's started crowing at such an early age. Seems Bill has been cockle-a-doodle dooing to him every morning when he heads out to get the paper.

I guess it's a guy thing.

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